Founder's Story


Tea has always been a major part of my life.  My mother enjoyed tea time with my sister and I during special celebratory days as a child. Running out the door as a teenager late for school, my dad handed me my mug of tea to keep me focused and alert during classes.

During our family camping trips growing up, we all sipped tea brewed out in the wilderness around a crackling campfire.  Drinking tea became my solace, my energy, my relaxation, and a great source of mindfulness.  And now, after continually working through the lifelong process of healing sometimes crippling anxiety, my tea time is truly healing to my heart, mind, and body.

As a mother now to two kiddos, we enjoy precious teatimes together.  These moments are precious and full of undivided attention and connection.  I'm very careful about what I drink as I know they will also be sipping it with me.

So I researched the health benefits of my cabinet full of tea, and my findings were both shocking and discouraging.

Determined to keep our precious tea time, I started hand-blending my own in order to guarantee my family drank the purest of every ingredient.  

But I wanted more than just a healthy, delicious, 100% organic tea -- I wanted it to transform the world.
Not only was it important to me to ensure my teas used Fair-Trade ingredients, but I also wanted every purchase to proactively empower change.  We invest 25% of our profits into Kiva microloans to create opportunities for low-income families and help raise the economies in impoverished areas world-wide.


So, what tea has it all? What tea can one truly sip fearlessly?

Nil Organic Tea.