New Recipe!: FROTHY, vegan, whole food tea latte

New Recipe!: FROTHY, vegan, whole food tea latte

My sister inspired me with this one as we both try to navigate a life with strict dietary limitations.  My favorite part is the texture and natural sweetness!
1. She added warm almond milk to a blender and threw in a couple dates (remove the pits first).  Blend until smooth and frothy.
2.  Meanwhile, steep any of our teas at double strength.  After steeping, add the tea to blender and blend again.
3. Pour into your favorite mug, scoop out the thick froth, and top with a sprinkling of cinnamon.
I couldn't believe: 
How easy this was
How frothy the milk was
How sweet and flavorful it was without any added sugars! 
I LOVE good frothy foam (I'm SUCH a texture person) and so this was a wonderful answer to all my morning latte desires!  And bonus, zero added sugars and whole food approved!
Yummmmmmm!!! Thank you Kristi!!

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